Tuesday, 10/16/01--Work your way silently down the list.
Remember: A rating from the guest teacher of 7 or below will have
consequences, but a rating of 10 equals a reward.
1) Do the survey. The guest teacher will pass out the
stuff and read the directions. If you have finished the survey, return
it and your answer sheet, and move to #2. If you are not taking part in
the survey, be quiet, and move to #2.
2) Reread, fix, and then turn in your Perfect #2. Put it in the basket.
[If you were absent yesterday, you should now take Pretest #6. Copies
are hanging on the hook by the overhead screen. Ask the guest teacher for
help if you need it. When you are finished, ask the guest teacher for a
key and a red pen, and correct it.]
3) Do "Warm Up." Copy B-E. A star means the answer is a spelling word.
A) Which doesn't fit and why? wagon, bus, chariot,
sleigh, car
B) *Ferris : sandwich :: maverick : _________ (2
right answers)
C) *row : column :: intake : ________
D) *life : autobiography :: book : ____________
E) *uniform : unique :: symphony : ____________
4) Finish reading Outsiders to the end of Chapter 7. Done? Answer
the questions on the overhead in your
notebook. Done?
5) STAR, if you have not already taken it. Follow directions on sheet.
6) Your pick: Work on Essay #1 or work on Roots
or work on Crossword or read ahead in Outsiders.