Wednesday, 10/24/01
Add two questions to Chapter 9 list: #12 and #13
Warm Up: Do only if you have finished Chapter 9 questions. Copy.
  1. *ignore : participation :: separate : _________
  2. *do : operate :: together : __________
  3. *diligence : hard-working :: facade : ________
  4. *obey : _________ :: obvious : subtle
Correct Vocabulary Practice
Vocabulary Pretest (Some words may be used more than once.)
  1. His use of a fake beard and moustache was a pathetic attempt to be _________.
  2. The computer hacker tried to _______ the password security measures.
  3. He is a rather ______ liar; he tells so many lies, you can never tell which of his stories is true.
  4. His joke was very __________; it took me a while to get it.
  5. There was only a ________ difference between the two $100 bills...
  6. the bank clerk had to examine them very carefully to tell which was the _________ one.
  7. He practiced the skate trick _________(ly) until he got it right.
  8. Tom is a very bold, __________ boy, who is scared of very little.
  9. "Now, now, don't be ___________; speak up!"
  10. On the show CSI, the crime scene investigators used science to ________ whom the killer was.
  11. True or False: Johnny and Pony were audacious when they went into the burning church to save the kids.
  12. True or False: Two-Bit is a diligent student.
audacious, diligent, prolific, bona fide, incognito, circumvent, subtle, deduce, diffident

Correct Outsiders Chapter 9
Read Outsiders Chapter 10. Do questions.
Read Outsiders Chapter 11 and do questions.