Spelling Pretest #4
In your notebook, write the correct spelling of each boldfaced, underlined word. Some are already correct, most are not. Also, be on the lookout for any other mechanical mistakes to fix for extra credit.
  1. He plays saxaphone in the band.
  2. Each girl wore a liotard in dance class.
  3. Which guy is youre brother?
  4. A gram cracker and milk is a good snack.
  5. The high voltige wires are sometimes dangerous to wildlife.
  6. Two-Bit was very proud of his long sideburns.
  7. Helen Keller learned to "read" Brale at an early age.
  8. He is a maverik he rarely likes to conform.
  9. Turn your head so I can draw your siloette.
  10. This cardagan is my warmest sweater.
  11. She wore a scarlet begonia on her dress.
  12. Many people boycot Nike products they supposedly pay their overseas workers so little.
  13. He drove his old junker in the demolition durby.
  14. Her favorite fair ride is the Ferris wheel.
  15. He worked long hours on the oil derrik.
  16. The hypnotist mezmerized the willing voluteer.
  17. A zeppelen is a huge blimp-like airship.
  18. The giant sequoa was hundreds of years old.
  19. I believe I will have another samwhich.
  20. He drove a deesal locomotive.
  21. The empty church was full of echos.
  22. Pony almost panicked when he thought Johnny wasn't there.
  23. He pedalled furiusly down the street.
  24. The Hawaiian Islands are full of volcanos.
First, look up the words below, and write the definition and the part-of-speech (POS) for each in your notebook. Then fill in the blanks below with the correct words. Then write a new sentence (in your notebook) of your own using each word.
dogged (adj), indignant, conducive, wistful, implore, acquit, leery
1. I __________(ed) my mom to let me go to the movies.
2. I was _____________ when Dad blamed me for breaking the lamp instead of my sister.
3. Pony was ______________ when he thought of what life might be like in the country.
4. I am _____________ of someone who promises me something for nothing.
5. She is known for her ___________ determination. She never gives up.
6. Listening to the stereo is not _____________ to studying.
7. The jury _________(ed) the man, and he was set free.