Tuesday, 9/4/01
Copy homework into assignment book.
Warm Up: (Copy 1-5.)
  1. peel : peeled :: kneel : ______
  2. mechanical : _________ :: legal : law
  3. movement : dance :: _________ : music
  4. reservoir : water :: ________ : money
  5. meal : _____ ::  banquet : hurricane
  6. The team said the coach is great. Copy and repunctuate to change the meaning.
  7. What currently popular movie is a remake of a classic that was first released in 1967?
"Mother to Son"

Make KBAR chart in notebook.
KBAR examples.
Hand out "55 Ways." Attach KBAR handout, and "55 Ways" handout to inside covers of notebook.
Note rubric for grading responses.

Perfekt? Examples.
SNT Examples.

The Outsiders....