Friday, 9/7/01
Warm Up--Notebook. Copy.
  1. Soc : greaser :: Dally : _________
  2. month : April :: season : _________
  3. _______ : weren't :: do : didn't
  4.  teenager : adolescent :: baby : ___________
  5. design : designer :: column : _________
Friday Thang (25p)--Separate sheet. NDP. Title. Record: Extra credit for the week (max = +10), your score ( /8) on yesterday's quiz, all three KBAR scores and their total ( /45). If your KBAR handouts are not attached to your notebook, write, "Handouts -5)." You do not have to copy the questions. As always, look for mistakes to fix for more extra credit.
  1. (3) We already can tell that the main conflict of The Outsiders is _____ vs. ______. An example of this conflict that we have already seen or heard about is ______.
  2. (3) Our narrator Ponyboy uses the pronoun I, and is a part of the story. This is called a _________-person narrator. Two disadvantages of this type of narrator is that he can't ever tell us ___________ or _____________.
  3. Socs is the abbreviation for _________.
  4. What is the only way the three brothers can stay together?
  5. (2) Words like gross, ugly, fun, and wierd are really ___________(s), and not ___________(s).
  6. What is the one thing you should almost never do in a KBAR response?
  7. (7) Match the character with the characteristic:
  8. a) "Gets drunk on plain living."
    b) His real name is Keith.
    c) Keeps "his mouth shut good."
    d) He is compared to a "lost puppy."
    e) "...cold with a hatred of the the whole world."
    f) "...never has time to do anything any more."
    g) Thinks Pony is "a tag-along and a kid."
  9. (2) Though their a) connotations/denotations are very different, the words nosy and curious have similar b) connotations/denotations.
  10. 90% : 80% :: ________ : 24/30
  11. I : first :: you : _________
  12. I : first :: they : ________
  13. tough : wimpy :: tuff : _______
  14. icebox : fridge :: cooler : ____