Tuesday, 4/1/03
I. Copy the prefixes and their meanings into notebook:
ad = to, in = not/without, con = with/together
These are prefixes that can be absorbed; the final consonant changes to match the first letter of the root word. Example: It's not adsure, it's assure.

II. Warm Up. Copy 1-6  into notebook. +1/2 each. 8 minutes.

  1. *forgive : blame :: releases : _______ (Not arrests.)
  2. *to read : illiterate :: to be read : ___________
  3. *friendly : malicious :: dependable : ____________
  4. *"to bread with " = ___________
  5. *"to rest" = ___________
  6. *try : attempt :: project : _________
  7. "What’s here belongs neither to us nor to the demons. It’s only a form of a much greater and purer magic. It can do harm in the hands of the wrong man and lash back on him; but the superior man need not be afraid." (p33)  What is Father talking about?  a) Electricity. b) Magic. c) Science. d) Dragons. e) Money
III.  Sentence Scramble. +1 for each acceptable. +1 more for exactly like original. 10 minutes.
  1.  a) who ate no meat  b) could have lived  c) he was a devout Buddhist  d) on what he ate e) and so few vegetables  f) that I doubt  g) a grasshopper (+1/2 for who this is!)
  2. a) Lefty had taken up gambling  b) might have taken up  c) like many another lonely man  d) the way others  e) drinking or dope
  3. a) of the human soul  b) looking into that  c) was like looking into  d) huge mass of faces  e) the ugliest depths (+1/2 for what this refers to!)
  4. a) when one wishes  b) these are bad times  c) on one's neighbors  d) all one's troubles

IV. Finish Chapter 3. Do reading check when finished.

  1. What was the only "proof" Father had that his dream might have happened?
  2. What name do the dragons use for humans?
  3. What crime did Father commit as a dragon that got him turned into a human?
  4. What is the only remnant of Father's skills as a healer (when he was a dragon) that he still has as a human?
  5. How can Father become a dragon again?
V. Done? Work on: Chapter 4, Study Questions, Vocabulary, Crossword, Web Page.