Friday, 4/04/03
Prepare paper for Test #20.
Rubrics for WebZines. Editors.
Mental Floss.
  1. I have three of the same digits. Added together they make twelve. The digit is not 4. What is it?
  2. The Pope has one but he does not use it. Your father has one but your mother uses it. Nuns do not need one. Arnold Schwarzenneger has a big one.  Michael J. Fox's is quite small. What is it?
  3. What king can you make if you take the head of a lamb, the middle of a pig, the hind of a buffalo, and the tail of a dragon?
  4. What loses its head every morning and gets it back at night?
  5. What are your answers to the respective questions so that your answers to all the questions are correct? 
  6.                         A. B
                            B. C
                            C. A                         A. Question 3
                            B. Question 1
                            C. Question 2                         A. A
                            B. B
                            C. C