Friday, 2/28/03
Prepare paper for Test #16.
Mental Floss.
  1. Since we've been discussing paradoxes this week, here's one. What's at the end of infinity?
  2. How do you spell mousetrap with only 3 letters? (haha)
  3. AALLLOUGNINCEACELSSSEANRYTELNETCTEERS If you cross out all unnecessary letters in the above string of letters, a logical sentence will remain. Can you read it?
  4. What does GHOTI spell? (Hint: Rough women lotion.)
  5. What do the following eight words have in common? crabcake, laughing, calmness, canopy, stupid, hijack, first, deft.
  6. Glenn and Steve took turns driving on a trip to Boston and back. Glenn drove the first 40 miles and Steve drove the rest of the way to Boston. On the way back, Glenn started to drive, and then Steve drove the last 50 miles. Which of the two drove more, and how much more did he drive?
Test #16