Monday, 1/6/03
Copy homework into assignment book.
Warm Up. Copy.
  1. rice : paddy :: grapes : _______
  2. forestry : trees :: _________ : crops
  3. 1929 : Great Depression :: 1861 : __________
  4. menu : restaurant :: __________  : library
  5. Yankee : Northeastern American :: Canuck : ________  __________
Pretest #12. (1-25.)

Intro to 120 Seconds.

"My First Negro" (In notebook.)
Read the first page of the story (p139) silently. Ask (write down) at least 5 good questions,
the answers to which would help you understand better what you read. (What do you not get?) Then
answer the following question: Why is the name "Midnight Raiders" pretty ironic?