Tuesday, 1/07/03
Warm Up. Copy. * = spelling word.
  1. *fix : correction :: change : _________
  2. *one : person :: all : ________
  3. *distant : far :: exactness : __________
  4. *sloppy : precise :: helper : __________
  5. *thankful : grateful :: enough : __________
"Mother to Son"
by Langston Hughes

Editing and writing. 600 words due next Tuesday.

  1. What is the one modern convenience you simply could not live without? Show why.
  2. Should we clone humans?  Why/not?
  3. Modernize old nursery rhymes into raps.
  4. What was the most important invention of the 20th Century? Why?
  5. Make a list of 50 ways to make money. Make it serious. Make it funny.
  6. Imagine that you could not smell. Describe things you would miss out on, both good and bad.
  7. If time could stand still, or even go backwards, I would...
  8. Television is…
  9. Brainstorm a list of bumper sticker slogans!!