Wednesday, 1/08/03
Warm Up. Copy. This time, a star means spelling or vocabulary word.
  1. *rich : destitute :: skim : __________
  2. *casual : nonchalance :: serious : ___________
  3. *fix : correct :: change : _________
  4. *bland : pungent :: direct : _____________
  5. *silly : grave :: cruel : ________
Correct Vocabulary Homework.
Vocabulary Pretest.
pungent, splendid, peruse, circuitous, gaunt, steep, dilapidated, squalor, destitute, emanate
  1. Never sign anything you haven't __________(ed) very carefully.
  2. The sounds of music ___________(ed) from a tinny phonograph.
  3. "We live like pigs in _________, but we are happy," he said to his mom, who was shocked at the condition of his house.
  4. The ___________ smell of garlic filled the house.
  5. Robert, trying to hide his friendship with Jeff, always took a __________ route to his house.
  6. After more than two weeks in the cave, Injun Joe's corpse was very ______.
  7. That was a ____________ dive, just beautiful.
  8. Many people say that today's kids are __________(ed) in a culture of violence; every day absorbing violent images in movies, TV, and video games.
  9. After the stock market crashed in 1929, many men who were once rich were now ____________.
  10. The car he bought for $100 was not as ____________ as you might think. It actually looked pretty good.
"Thank You M'am"