Tuesday, 1/14/03
Warm Up. Copy 1-4. On #6, copy the words "melting pot" and then the correct answer.
  1. destitute : bankrupt :: sample : *_________
  2. significant : meaningless :: participant : *__________
  3. possible : prospective :: obvious : *__________
  4. "across write" = *__________
  5. Turn transcribe (v) into its noun form.
  6. The idea of America as the "melting pot" means... a) that America is a place where people from many cultures can come and still be Russian or Irish or whatever, b) that America is a place where people from many cultures come and become "Americans", c) that America is a place where people from many cultures can come and have their own sections of cities and neighborhoods, d) a and c, e) none of the above.

"Theme for English B"
  1. What are your first reactions to this poem? (Like? Dislike? What kind of person wrote it? Theme? Lesson? Message?)
  2. (1) The word "true" in line #5 most likely means: a) factually correct, b) truly personal and important, c) straight, d) believable.
  3. (1) The word "theme", as it is used here, most likely means: a) what the poem is really about, b) what the poem relates to, c) another name for a piece of writing, d) none of the above.
  4. Why do you think he spends so much of the poem explaining how he goes home?
  5. What point do you think he is trying to make when he describes what he likes?
    For the starred ones, copy a line (or lines) from the poem that answers the question.
  6. (1) *How does Langston Hughes show that, in most ways he is just like the teacher?
  7. (1) *How does he show that in another very important way they are very different?
  8. (1) *How does he show that his environment is very important in making him the person he is?
  9. (1) *How does he show that, even though we may not always like it, all humans have an influence on each other?
A "True" Page due next Wednesday.
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