Friday, 6/6/03
Warm Up. +1/2 each.
  1. Astronomically speaking, a day is the time it takes for the earth to___________, and a year is the time it takes for the earth to _________. You may also draw a labeled diagram if you prefer.
  2. alpha : __________ :: omega : end 
  3. After __________ (who) ____________ed (what) ______________ (where) on _____________ (when), many Americans who were once the same nationality as the attackers were held in interment camps because they were seen as a threat to the US.
  4. Even though the ___________ (what) was signed in _____________ (where) on __________ (when), most historians agree that the US really became the nation it is when the Constitution was ratified in 1787.
  5. (Copy.) 34/50 = ______% = _______ (grade) 
  6. (Copy.) 10% of 60 = ________.
Alternative Warm Up. + 1/2 each.
Palindromes and Anagrams.
  1. (1.5) He drank a bottle of __  __  __ as he tied the __  __  __ around the neck of the little __  __  __ so she wouldn't spill her drink on her dress.
  2. The pitcher tore the __ __ __ __ __ __  __ cuff in his shoulder, and won't be able to play for at least two months.
  3. He lost his marbles; that's why he ___________ on and on.
  4. Recipes aren't always _______. And the results aren't always nice. (This one rhymes.)
  5. After she crawled out of the mud, you could still see her smile under all that _________.
  6. (+1) The phrases "two plus eleven" and "one plus twelve" not only give the same answer, but also...?
Finish The Midwife's Apprentice
Final Exam.

Message to Sixth Grade
If you get at least 54/60 from two readers, turn it in.
If not, revise and turn in on Monday.