Wednesday, 5/28/03
Warm Up.
  1. (?) An adverb can describe (modify) a _______...
  2. Which one, what kind, how many, are the questions answered by ________(s), about _________(s).
  3. ________ = how or when or where you do something
  4. rather = adjective/adverb/verb
  5. the = adjective/adverb/pronoun
  6. (?) List the adverbs you find: Yesterday, I ran there very quickly, which I usually never do.
Reading/Listening Check. 5p.
  1. Where did the "kick of a boot in Brat's belly" come from?
  2. Why would Beetle be a target for the "scrawniest, ugliest, dirtiest, stupidest" boys in the village?  (Quote a line from the book.)
  3. What made the midwife decide to take Beetle home? (Quote a line from the book.)
  4. Why does Jane leave Beetle outside when she delivers babies?
  5. What do all the insults in the book so far insult?
Correct Research Quiz.

The Midwife's Apprentice