Aunt Polly __________(ly) watched the bottle of Painkiller
to make sure Tom was taking it.
"...the sheriff came through, ___________(ly) leading Potter
by the arm." He wanted to show off for the crowd.
When Tom came down late for breakfast..."there was no voice
of _________, but there were averted eyes." Aunt Polly was "guilting" him
instead of punishing him.
(2) According to the superstition, a stray dog's howl is
a __________ __________ of death.
Tom ________(ed) around in his sleep as he dreamed of the
murder in the graveyard.
Her huge earrings were too __________ for the funeral.
He ______________(ly) pulled out his cheat sheet during the
"...for plainly this ____________ had sold himself to Satan
and it would be fatal to meddle" with him.
"The man moaned, __________(ed) a little, and his face came
into the moonlight. It was Muff Potter."