Tuesday, 11/19/02
Warm Up. Copy 1-5 into notebook.  #6 is a (very) mini quiz on chapter 14. The last two are for those that have read chapter 15.
  1. *stop sign : traffic :: embargo : __________
  2. *bar-b-que : patio :: siesta : ___________
  3. *poncho : rain :: _________ : sun
  4. *tortilla : burrito :: _________ : chili
  5. *corn : tortilla :: _________ : chocolate
  6. (3) Who was the first one to put out "feelers" about maybe going back home? What happened when he did? Why did the feelings start?
  7. (2) Name at least two pieces of "evidence" the villagers use to conclude that the boys have drowned.
  8. (2) What did Tom end up doing with the note he had put into his pocket before he left camp?
600 words check. 11/12-11/18 are the acceptable dates. Prepare chart. Remember, your Letter to Tom counts! (If your Tom Letter isn't done, that's what you should work on.) Writing.
  1. (O) Top Ten (or 20 or 30) List: Pet Peeves. Explain why, and offer alternatives or fixes.
  2. (R/F/P) If you could travel to any period in history (or the future), where/when would you go? Show what you think life would be like.
  3. (F/O) What if it really rained cats and dogs? What if your heart really broke? Or...
  4. (P) What if you couldn’t forget anything? Show whether it would be a good or a bad thing.
  5. (P) Write a letter to the school administration, convincing them to allow a seventh grade dance. To allow a soda machine.   To allow ?????
  6. (E) Choose a "fad" here at school that you have observed (or participated in).  Describe the fad (a suddenly popular way of dressing or acting or speaking, or a suddenly popular activity like yo-yos) from the point of view of someone who's never seen such things before. Show people in action. Try to figure out what caused a large group of people to starting doing the same thing(s).
  7. (F) Show the same incident from two or three different points of view: a car wreck, a fight in a restaurant, a person being wrongly accused by the teacher, etc. Show how each person sees it differently.
  8. (P) Convince me you have too much homework.
  9. (L) Compare Aunt Polly and Darry as guardians/parents. Who does a better job, considering the circumstances. Use example from the books to back up what you say. Could Darry handle Tom any better than Aunt Pollly?
  10. (L) "Update" a portion of The Outsiders to today. Show how the slang, the attitudes, etc would change. It obviously wouldn't be Soc vs. greaser any more. What would the main conflict be? What group would Pony and his brothers belong to? Use dialogue to show the slang and such.
Rubrics for Outsiders projects.

Tom Sawyer aloud.