Tuesday, 11/26/02
Check 600 words and collect rough draft disks.
TS Reading Check.
  1. Why is the middle part of Chapter 21 so intentionally boring?
  2. Why did Tom think the storm in Chapter 22 was intended for him?
  3. (2) "Little hands, and weak--but they've helped Muff Potter a power, and they'd help him more if they could." (p140w, p151b) Who's talking? Why is this ironic?
  4. "Tom was out late that night and came to bed through the window." (p141w, p151b) Where did Tom go?
Editors Edit
Writers work on:
  1. Rough draft, if not already turned in.
  2. Grade Test #10 w/red pen. Total:
  3. List of names for magazine. Need 10+ by EOP.
  4. Reading Tom Sawyer through chapter 25.
  5. Evaluation committee (3) for Outsiders projects.