Thursday, 10/10/02--Perfect 2 has been moved! Tuesday, 10/22!
Tomorrow: Warm Up I. Copy.
   1.*group : ________ :: center : _________
   2.*piece : _______ :: rank : _________
   3. *advise : __________ :: committee : ___________
   4. *dumbfounded : nonchalant : : legitimate : _________
   5. example: golf (b a l l) game -- paper ( _ _ _ _ _ _ ) lifter
   6. rain ( _ _ _ ) tie

 Warm Up II. Fact or Opinion? Be careful. Do not copy. Write F or O.

  1. Dally is sometimes a jerk.
  2. Johnny is sensitive.
  3. The Socs and greasers are "havin' it out" at the vacant lot.
  4. Kids today have it easier than kids in 1967.
  5. Pony is smart.
  6. Johnny said Dally is gallant.
  7. Johnny regrets killing Bob.
  8. Dally cares about Johnny.
  9. There is a big computer monitor in this room.
  10. Pony and Johnny are different than the rest of the greasers.
Remember: Your essay needs facts to back up your opinions! Your KBAR responses do too!

Commas, Semicolons, Colons (Perfect Paper #2.)

  1. Drinking while driving is illegal furthermore it can be deadly.
  2. This recipe has just three ingredients lime Jello cottage cheese and pineapple.
  3. When she learned her apartment had been robbed she sat down and cried.
Correct Test #4.
Review What to Do with Essay #1.
Outsiders Chapter 7 questions.