Pretest #1
In your notebook, write the correct spelling of each boldfaced, underlined word. Some are already correct, most are not. Also be on the lookout for any other mechanical mistakes to fix for extra credit.
  1. I read your magazine colum every month.
  2. Is she a sports columnist for that newspaper?
  3. He will desine, and then build the house.
  4. We must designate a new group leader.
  5. Is this loan your only det?
  6. Did the bank debit my account?
  7. The prince is the air to the throne.
  8. Ted will inherrit his aunt's property.
  9. She had to haisen home to avoid the rain.
  10. The theif left in great haiste.
  11. My favorite season is autum.
  12. Red and brown are autumnal colors.
  13. Her choice was to resigne or be fired.
  14. Meg handed in her rezignation from the firm.
  15. Many people dout the boy's wild tales.
  16. He is dubius about his chances of winning, the odds are not good.
  17. A sled is a vehical that has no wheels.
  18. The road is closed to vehiculer traffic.
  19. Is her limp due to a sore leg mussel?
  20. Marathon runners are often musculer.
  21. Please assigne each person a number.
  22. Make sure you ask for a receite for your purchase.
  23. They called the bombe squad to deal with the grenade they found.
  24. The exaust from cars is a major source of pollution.
  25. The king's rain lasted for 26 years.
Vocabulary:  First, look up the words below, and write the definition and the part-of-speech (POS) for each in your notebook. Then fill in the blanks below with the correct words. Then write a new sentence (in your notebook) of your own using each word. (Due Wednesday.)
infer, bleak, nonchalant, gingerly, rueful, savvy, conform, sage (Not the herb!)
1. Even though I was nervous, I tried to act cool and _____________.
2. I handled the delicate vase very ____________.
3. Even though he may not be "book-smart" he has a lot of ___________ about the world.
4. Not every member of a group _______________(s) exactly to our image of that group.
5. The landscape of the moon is lifeless and very ________.
6. My grandfather gave me some very _______ advice
7. "I shouldn’t have done that," he said with a _______ sigh.
8. The detective tried to _________who the criminal was from the clues he left behind.