Pretest #11--In your notebook,
write the correct spelling of each boldfaced, underlined word. Some are
already correct, most are not. Also be on the lookout for any other mechanical
mistakes to fix for extra credit.
At the oasis in the desert...
...we had ice cream for desert.
The trap door gave acsess to the attic.
You need a drain to get rid of excess water.
The dog's continuall barking kept me awake.
The continous hum of the fan was relaxing.
These harty plants can stand the cold.
A harty meal will give us new energy.
He was able to make his dream a realaty.
We sold our house with the help of a reality
I was startled by his bazarre costume.
One booth at the bazarre sells tie-dyed shirts.
He had to dress formelly for the important
He was the artist formally known as Prince,
who's name is now an unpronounceable symbol.
The horse easily jumped the high hurdel.
We watched the express train hurtle by.
What medication did the doctor perscribe?
School rules proscribe cheating.
I was very self-consious at first.
Does your conscious bother you you when you
I would advice you to get a job.
That's good advise.
I don't know wether to wear a jacket, because...
...the wheather is so changable.
Everyone accept him is going to the party.
I will graciously except her gift.
Vocabulary--First, look up the words
below, and write the definition and the part-of-speech (POS) for each in
your notebook. Then fill in the blanks below with the correct words.
#5, #6, #18, canvass (v), marked (adj), earnest, picturesque,
diverge/converge, sinuous
He made a(n) ____________ effort, and his hard work paid
The little cabin was __________ and cool, but it wasn't very
The volunteers ___________(ed) the neighborhood, talking
to people, and trying to get them to vote.
After studying, his test scores showed a __________
The teacher _________(ed) the use of notes on the test.
Your ____________ whining is getting on my nerves.
The __________ ringing in his ears is from listening to too
much loud music.
(2) The road ___________(ed), and then ____________(ed),
forming an "x."
The cave was like a labyrinth, full of dead-ends and _________
twists and turns.