Pretest #17--In your notebook, write the correct spelling of each boldfaced, underlined word. Some are already correct, most are not. Also be on the lookout for any other mechanical mistakes to fix for extra credit.
  1. How would you contrast frogs and toads?
  2. She takes classes at the art instatute.
  3. A marble statchue of a lion is at the entrance.
  4. Start the projecter for the slide show.
  5. We can reject the offer if it is too low.
  6. Carry the portible computer in it's case.
  7. My objective is to finish the job by noon.
  8. The fallen tree was an obstacal in the road.
  9. Tom and Huck believed in many silly superstitons.
  10. Many ranchers transport their cattel by rail.
  11. Which newspaper reportor wrote that story?
  12. Use a pump to inject air into the flat tire.
  13. What circimstances made you change your mind?
  14. He had memerized every stansa of the poem.
  15. Homer's famous "d'oh" is an example of an interjection.
  16. A porter carried our bags to our hotel room.
  17. More than one adjactive can modify a noun.
  18. They deported the illegal immigrant.
  19. A person's taste in music is subjective, each person has his or her own opinion.
  20. The senators voted on the proposed statute, begginning a curfew for teens under 18.
  21. His writing portfolio is very impressive.
  22. Most of the laws in this country are based on the Constatution.
  23. The state now has educational standerds which say what students at each grade level should know.
  24. The projectial travelled at 300 miles per hour.
  25. At Laguna, they call substatute teachers guest teachers.
Latin Roots: port = __________  sta/sti = _____________   ject = __________
Vocabulary--compound (v), brandish, tumultuous, apparatus, slacken, savor, retribution, inertia, rapport, subjective, objective (adj)
  1. The house shook ______________(ly) as the earthquake struck.
  2. The counselor had a good _______________ with the kids.
  3. Maybe today the rain will ____________, and we will get a break from all this wetness.
  4. He took forever eating the pizza as he ____________(ed) every bite.
  5. The Greeks believed that every act of hubris by Man resulted in ate, or  _______________ by the gods.
  6. The crook __________(ed) his weapon to scare the clerk.
  7. Time Safari Inc. used a strange _____________ to travel in back in Time.
  8. One little error, ______________(ed) over millions of years, adds up to something huge.
  9. "A body at rest tends to stay at rest..." is the first part of the Law of _________.
  10. "That's a great story!"  (subjective, objective)
  11. He is 5 ft., 7 in. tall.  (subjective, objective)
  12. "This is boring." (subjective, objective)
  13. "I saw Jimmy cheating!" (subjective, objective)