Monday, 4/05/04 -- Eighth Grade
Copy homework into assignment book.
Preview Thursday's English Assembly. Kendall Haven
1. It is important to start a story or expository essay by deciding what is going to happen. (T/F)
2. Story plot is more important than story characters. (T/F)
3. The goal of good writing is to get it right the first time. (T/F)

Warm Up. Revise and Edit, MC Stylie...1-10

  1. How would you classify sentence 1?  a) conclusion  b) topic sentence  c) supporting detail  d) secondary source
  2. What change should be made to sentence 1?  a) change fibers to fiber  b)change is to are c) change cloth to clothes  d) change older to oldest
  3. Which word in sentence 1 is a conjuction?  a)of  b) be  c) and  d) is
  4. Which word is misspelled in sentence 2?  a) economy  b) commerce  c) several  d) countrys
  5. Which word in sentence 2 should be capitalized?  a) asia  b) countrys  c) commerce  d) economy
  6. What change should be made to sentence 2?  a) change thousands to thousand  b) change have to has c) change them to it  d) change in to on
  7. What change should be made to sentence 3?  a) change origin to origins  b) change manufacturing to manufacture  c) change can to is  d) change tracing to traced
  8. Which of the following words from sentence 3 is a noun?  a) silk  b) China  c) be  d) origin
  9. Where should a comma be placed in sentence 4?  a) between oldest and known  b) between Hangzhou and China  c) between fragments and are  d) between displayed and in
  10. What change should be made to sentence 4? a) change displaying to displayed  b) change oldest to old  c) change fragments to fragment  d) change are to is
Correct Test #21.
Maus aloud.