Tuesday 4-20-04
Eighth Grade:
Distribute Crossword Puzzle
Spelling Warm-up: (copy into notebook)
  1. carpenter : build :: custodian: ___________
  2. (2) lie : lying :: _____________ : ___________
  3. (2) whisper: ___________ :: whispering: _______________
  4. objective: description :: subjective: _______________
  5. ___________ : tyrant :: eulogize : saint
Maus Warm-up: Chapters 3 and 4
  1. (4) In the "Parshas Truma" episode on pages 57 to 59, we see an example of Vladek's sense of faith and fate.  List four auspicious events, in Vladek's life, which occur during that week of the year.
  2. When a person _____________________ to a different race or nationality, we could say they are trying to "pass".
  3. On page 65, we hear about Vladek's father being humiliated by German soldiers.  Why did the Germans act that way?
  4. (3) On pages 68-69, what happens to Artie's coat?  What motivates Vladek?  Why is Artie upset?
  5. In Chapter 4, on page 77, we see Vladek dealing in the "black market".  How does he make money this way?
  6. (2) On page 79, why is Anja's father "so unhappy!"?  He has already been cheated out of his factories: why would a bit of furniture upset him so much?
  7. (2) On page 82, we hear the term "ghetto".  What does that word mean to you?  What did it mean to Jews in Poland?
  8. (3) On page 83, why are the men (mice) hanging?  Who are those men (mice)?  What was their crime?
  9. (3) On pages 84 and 85, we see more examples of Vladek being "pragmatic".  After seeing his business associates hanging, why does Vladek continue with his "black market" dealings?  Does he consider his dealings to be immoral or just illegal?  What is your perception of Vladek's criminal activities?
Read Maus aloud
