Thursday 4-29-04:
Seventh Grade

Warm Up: (1/2 point each for each correct answer) (10 minutes max)

Evaluating Sources
Below are 10 descriptions of sources for a research paper on the effects of diabetes.  Identify each source as either P = Preferred Source, or LR = Less Reliable.  Consider why the Less Reliable ones are less reliable.

  1. _____an entry in a medical dictionary published in 1973
  2. _____an article published this year in a medical journal
  3. _____a recent magazine article titled "Dealing with Diabetes,"written by a doctor
  4. _____a web page prepared by the American Diabetes Association
  5. _____an autobiography of an actress with diabetes
  6. _____a 1985 encyclopedia article on the causes of diabetes
  7. _____an AMA pamphlet called Living with Diabetes displayed in your doctor's office
  8. _____an online chat room discussion for people who have diabetes
  9. _____an interview with a doctor, published in the New York Times this year,

  10.          about diabetes treatments
  11. _____an interview, published in the LA Times this year, with a woman whose

  12.            grandmother died from undiagnosed diabetes
Mini-Lesson On Research Sources: (15 minutes max) Reminders: Current Homework: Week of April 26: Note Mr. B's "My Bad" (2 min.)
  1. You need to finish reading Dragonwings by Friday, April 30.
  2. Study Questions for DW Chapters 10, 11, 12 due Friday, April 30.
  3. Research Topic is due this Friday, April 30th (Mr. B will review them over the weekend)

  4. --See your Tuesday Notebook, Wednesday's worksheet, and/or the Topic Stuff at the research paper site.
  5. Note: Dragonwings Unit Final Project is due Thursday, May 6th.


Research Project Timeline: From Here to May 28th (10 minutes max)

  1. Learning about Outlining: (in-class, week of 4-26.)
  2. Choosing a topic and developing guiding questions for your research: (in-class, week of 4-26.)
  3. Learning about Evaluating Sources: you'll need "5 sources / 3 kinds": (in-class, week of 4-26.)
  4. ***Research Topic is due this Friday, April 30th***.
  5. Learning about citing the sources of your research; i.e. "bibliography": (in-class, week of 5-2.)
  6. Learning about taking notes for research: (in-class, week of 5-2.)
  7. Review of Outlining: Creating your Rough Draft Outline: (in-class, week of 5-2.)
  8. Learning about Library Etiquette: What is, and is not, Acceptable: (in-class, week of 5-2.)
  9. Library Work: Our 10 days in the library begin on Monday May 10th, 2004.

  10. --Mrs. Speidel will give us a brief orientation to the library during our first three days there.
  11. Rough Draft Outlines are due ***Friday May 14th, 2004***.
  12. Rough Drafts of your Research Papers are due ***Friday May 21st, 2004***.
  13. Final Drafts of your Research Papers are due ***Friday May 28th, 2004***.
Mr. Coward Web Pages A-Go-Go (5 minutes)