Thursday 4-29-04:
Eighth Grade

Warm Up: (1/2 point each for each correct answer) (10 minutes max)

Evaluating Sources
Below are 10 descriptions of sources for a research paper on the effects of diabetes.  Identify each source as either P = Preferred Source, or LR = Less Reliable.  Consider why the Less Reliable ones are less reliable.

  1. _____an entry in a medical dictionary published in 1973
  2. _____an article published this year in a medical journal
  3. _____a recent magazine article titled "Dealing with Diabetes," written by a doctor
  4. _____a web page prepared by the American Diabetes Association
  5. _____an autobiography of an actress with diabetes
  6. _____a 1985 encyclopedia article on the causes of diabetes
  7. _____an AMA pamphlet called Living with Diabetes displayed in your doctor's office
  8. _____an online chat room discussion for people who have diabetes
  9. _____an interview with a doctor, published in the New York Times this year,

  10.          about diabetes treatments
  11. _____an interview, published in the LA Times this year, with a woman whose

  12.            grandmother died from undiagnosed diabetes
Mini-Lesson On Research Sources: (10 minutes max) Reminders: Current Homework: Week of April 26: Note Mr. B's "My Bad" (2 min. max)
  1. Research Topic is due this Friday, April 30th (Mr. B will review them over the weekend)
    --See your Tuesday Notebook, Wednesday's worksheet, and/or the Topic Stuff at the research paper site.
  2. Note: Maus Unit Final Projects are still due Thursday, May 6th.


Research Project Timeline: From Here to May 28th (6 minutes max)

  1. Learning about Outlining: (in-class, week of 4-26.)
  2. Choosing a topic and developing guiding questions for your research: (in-class, week of 4-26.)
  3. Learning about Evaluating Sources: you'll need "5 sources / 3 kinds": (in-class, week of 4-26.)
  4. ***Research Topic is due this Friday, April 30th***.
  5. Learning about citing the sources of your research; i.e. "bibliography": (in-class, week of 5-2.)
  6. Learning about taking notes for research: (in-class, week of 5-2.)
  7. Review of Outlining: Creating your Rough Draft Outline: (in-class, week of 5-2.)
  8. Learning about Library Etiquette: What is, and is not, Acceptable: (in-class, week of 5-2.)
  9. Library Work: Our 10 days in the library begin on Monday May 10th, 2004.

  10. --Mrs. Speidel will give us a brief orientation to the library during our first three days there.
  11. Rough Draft Outlines are due ***Friday May 14th, 2004***.
  12. Rough Drafts of your Research Papers are due ***Friday May 21st, 2004***.
  13. Final Drafts of your Research Papers are due ***Friday May 28th, 2004***.
Maus II a-Go-Go: (6 minutes max) Read Maus aloud for remainder of period