Tuesday, 8/26/03
Eighth Grade
I. Copy homework into assignment book. If you don't yet have an assignment book, use a sheet of paper in your binder, or notebook. Be sure to copy the assignments again into your assignment book when you get one.

II. Warm Up. +1/2 point for each correct. (Usually this would go into your English spiral notebook, with a date and title. Again, if you don't yet have a spiral notebook for English, use a sheet of paper in your binder for now.)

  1. Copy. speech : others :: __________ : self
  2. Copy. responsible : adjective :: _________ : noun
  3. Think about all the words you know that contain the root word port. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the root port? a) move.  b) carry.  c) change.  d) small.
  4. Give an example of irony.
  5. (1) Drinking while driving is illegal furthermore it can be deadly. Add two pieces of punctuation to make this sentence correct.
  6. By when (day and date) must you have a spiral notebook exclusively for English?
  7. (1) Unscramble the following into a correctly punctuated sentence. Write out the sentence! EC for more than one way. a) the roast pig b) immediately stick c) when d) an apple e) is finished f) in its mouth
Correct Warm Up. Go over. Be sure to save. You get the extra credit you earned on Friday.

Class Expectations.
Web Site: http://www.mrcoward.com
If you can access the info online, do so tonight, print the handout, and bring it tomorrow for extra credit.
Read and sign on the back. Due tomorrow. (Quiz!)
Parents read and sign by Friday.

Get a spiral notebook!
e-mail address for Newsletter.
What to do when you're absent.

Can You Be Perfekt?
Write 250 words about fun (in any way related to fun!).  No mechanical mistakes are allowed. Put name, date, and period in the upper right corner. Give the page a title. Ink. Not ripped. Due Friday. 20 points, -5 for each mechanical mistake I find. Get "everybody and his mom" to proofread it for you!  Bonus options: a) Go for three hundred words! b) Use a colon and a semi-colon correctly. c) Go for more than "It is fun to see Spot run."

"Learn what you are, and be such."  --Pindar (Greek poet)