Monday, 12/01/03 -- Eighth Grade
Copy homework into assignment book.
Warm Up. The Pigman. Which Character?
  1. Is a social pariah, according to Lorraine.
  2. Mr. Pignati's best friend.
  3. Thinks all boys have "only one thing on their minds."
  4. Obsessed with cleanliness.
  5. Obviously has a problem with authority figures.
  6. Holds the Telephone Marathon record.
  7. Did a book report on only one page of the book.
  8. Wants to write for living.
  9. Is fond of puns.
  10. John's main scapegoat for things he's done (like gluing the phone).
Pretest #10.

Copy the definitions below.

Examples. I enjoy talking with Jimmy. I went to the store. I went between the rows.
Sometimes preposititions look like adverbs.
Example: The train continued down the track. If there is no object, it's an adverb.

Practice. Identify: a) prepositions, b) the prepositional phrase, c) the object of the preposition.
Some may not have any prepositions, some may have more than one.
Example. The library will hold the book until tomorrow.

  1. Before the speech, I was nervous.
  2. Many people find papers on the internet.
  3. I will wait by the tree until dinner.
  4. We looked across the crowd into the bright spotlights.
  5. The boomerang flew across the big yard and into my head.