Wednesday, 12/03/03 -- Seventh Grade
Warm Up. Copy 1-6 into notebook.
  1. *tiny : prodigious :: enthusiastic : _______
  2. *reptile : iguana :: fruit : __________
  3. *rice : beans :: meat : ___________
  4. *vanilla : chocolate :: fiesta : _______
  5. ecstatic : apathetic :: ecstasy : _______
  6. guerrilla, tortilla, burrow, burro, all correct
  7. What is this a picture of?
Paragraph Scramble. This time, you can simply write the number of each sentence. This time there's only one correct way. +2.
1) Summer is a beautiful time of year.
2) There are more vehicles on the road; thus there are more accidents.
3) At the beaches, people are tanning themselves and children are playing in the sand and water.
4) In addition, older people may be more prone to heart attacks.
5) On the other hand, summer can be a hazardous time.
6) Beaches, picnics, vacations, and fun are in store.

Correct vocabulary homework.
Vocabulary Pretest. You will use words more than once. NO CHEAT SHEET!
bliss, fickle, apathetic, prodigious, magnanimous, palpable, wary, lugubrious

  1. Baseball fans became pretty __________ after the season was cut short by a strike. It was hard to care any more.
  2. The couple had enjoyed 50 years of wedded ___________.
  3. He hit a ___________ home run. It was at least 500 feet long.
  4. Luck is ___________; one day you have it all good, and the next it's all bad.
  5. The orphanage thanked the man for his ____________ donation.
  6. Tom _______(ily) snuck through the door and under the bed.
  7. After working out for a month, he noticed a __________ improvement in his body.
  8. By definition, a ghost would not be ____________.
  9. I have never seen him smile; he always has the same droopy, _______ expression on his face.
  10. One of the reasons Aunt Polly tried the Painkiller was that Tom was so ___________ about all the other treatments. "This indifference must be broken up at any cost."
Tom Sawyer
  1. If the lawyer promised not to reveal Huck's name, why is Huck still worried about Injun Joe?
  2. Who is this a picture of?
  3. (2) Name two of the places Tom says buried treasure is found.
  4. Why does Huck think Tom is foolish for wanting to get married?
  5. "slathers" = ____________ (p158b, p147w)