Wednesday, 12/17/03 -- Eighth Grade
Warm Up. Copy 1 - 3.
  1. * disobey : comply :: beneficial : ________
  2. * respectful : impudent :: tranquility : __________
  3. * disobey : comply :: commendation : ___________
  4. (1) Fix the 2 mistakes on the vocabulary homework.
  5. On what day of the year does the dance around the Maypole occur?
  6. (3) What historic event occurred 100 years ago today? (Bonus: Where did it happen? Who was involved?)
Correct vocabulary homework.
Vocabulary Pretest. You may use words more than once; you might not use them all.
diatribe, impudent, palatable, pervade, surreptitious, comply, apparition, bedlam, deleterious, commend
  1. "There was a sylvan attitude of somnolent sleepiness __________(ing) that section...of Alabama that lay exposed to my view."
  2. After the parolee committed another crime, there was a ___________ in the paper about the governor being "soft on crime."
  3. He ___________(ly) palmed the quarter, and pretended to pull it from her ear.
  4. The townsfolk thought Muff Potter was being ______ for returning to the scene of his crime.
  5. The police officer received a __________(ation) after he heroically saved the young boy.
  6. The connoisseur did not find the expensive wine _____ at all; in fact he thought it was vinegar.
  7. The combination of heat and fatigue while he was driving made him see _________(s) rising from the pavement.
  8. When they turned off the lights at the junior high assembly, it was sheer __________.
  9. Mr. Coward's _____ about paying attention made his second period class say he was mean.
  10. Near the end of those commercials for various drugs, they always very quickly list the possible _____________ effects of the drugs.
"Ransom of the Red Chief" (9)
In your green book, circle the part of the text that answers each question. Be sure to label very clearly which question you are answering.
  1. How did Sam foreshadow that the kidnapping wouldn't go exactly as planned?
  2. Why did Sam and Bill choose to do a kidnapping for their crime?
  3. Why did they choose Summit for the scene of their crime?
  4. Who is "Old Hank"?
  5. What does Bill say is the only reason the boy doesn't burn Sam at the stake?
  6. (3) Give three examples of irony so far. (Irony 1, Irony 2, etc.)
  7. What does the word reconnoiter (p43, circled) mean?
"Ransom of the Red Chief"
Read p44-45 (between the Pause & Reflect), and in your book, answer the following:
Why does Bill say his favorite Biblical character is King Herod? (+1)
What threat does Sam use to make the boy promise to behave? (+1)