Thursday, 2/12/04 -- Seventh Grade
Warm Up. Copy into notebook.
  1. (1/2) *color : visual :: scent : ____________
  2. (1/2) *large : petite :: dismayed : ________
  3. (1/2) trivial : adjective :: via : ___________
  4. (1/2) Mercury : __________ :: Earth : Mars
  5. (4) a) intentionally inaccurate statement =   b) monthly accommodation payment =  c) governmental revenue($) enhancement =  d) chronologically advantaged =  
Euphemisms can evolve over time: Moron used to be the euphemism for idiot. Then moron became offensive, so the euphemism for moron became retarded. Now retarded is considered offensive, so the euphemism is mentally challenged or special. A similar thing has occurred with crippled -> handicapped -> disabled. 
(Thanks to Wikipedia for the info.)
Correct Vocabulary Homework. Vocabulary Pretest. -- dismay, trivial, jovial, disposition, rigmarole, olfactory, via, euphemism, euthanasia, hubris
  1. The Martians communicated _______ telepathy.
  2. (2) Santa Claus is usually portrayed as a __________, smiling, fat man with a very pleasant ____________.
  3. (2) The Earth men were greatly _______(ed) to find they had signed papers for __________.
  4. A dog's _____________ system is thousands of times more sensitive than a human's.
  5. The mad scientist demonstrated his _____ by building a time machine and trying to change history.
  6. We spent the evening playing _________ Pursuit, trying to answer obscure questions.
  7. I heard about that rumor _____________ my friend Stevie.
  8. Tell it to me straight, without using any ______________(s).
  9. "...masks that smiled or masks that frowned, according to the owners' ___________."
  10. dismayed : jovial :: humility : __________
  11. _____________ is a rather ironic word, because its two parts seemingly contradict each other.
"The Earth Men"
  1. (2) Explain, using a diagram, why the distance from Earth to Mars changes with the time of year.
  2. It turns out that the line of work a Martian needs to be in to welcome Earth men is...a) military, b) government leader, c) police, d) immigration, e) psychology.
  3. Why was there no "hullabaloo" to welcome the Earth men? a) The Martians didn't believe the Earth men's story. b) There are many people on Mars who claim to be from Earth. c) The Martians had already met Earth men before (from the First Expedition). d) The Martians wanted the Earth men to go home.
  4. What was the Martian's explanation for the rocket? a) It came from somewhere else on Mars. b) It was left there by the First Expedition. c) It was a product of the Earth men's minds. d) It was a fake.
  5. Why did Mr. Iii laugh when the captain asked if his men should sign the papers too?
  6. (5) Based on how Mr. Xxx uses these words (p28-29), match each one with the sense it refers to:
    • a) olfactory
    • b) labial
    • c) auditory
    • d) visual
    • e) tactile
    • touch
    • taste
    • smell
    • sight
    • hearing
  7. Martians...a) have six fingers, b) have white skin, c) look like humans, d) all of the above, e) none of the above.
  8. Why does Mr. Xxx shoot the men? a) They are a danger to Martians. b) They are in pain. c) He believes they really are from Earth. d) He thinks they will be happier dead.
  9. Why does Mr. Xxx shoot himself?
  10. Why does the story end with a "weather report"? a) To show what weather on Mars is like. b) To show that Mars is like Earth in many ways. c) To show that the Earth men's visit went basically unnoticed. d) All of the above. e) None of the above.