Tuesday, 2/24/04 -- Seventh Grade
Warm Up. Copy.
  1. * "around stand things" = _____________
  2. * roadblock : obstacle :: goal : _____________
  3. * "across carry" = ___________
  4. * "between throw thing" = _____________
  5. * "out carried" = _____________
  6. * accept : reject :: compare : ___________ 
  1. (T) Write directions for how to do something--big or small. Put the directions in the voice of a character.
  2. (T) Invent a new game show. Who's the host? What are the stunts/questions? How/What do you win?
  3. (P) How would the world be different if school were not compulsary until age 18? Show both "good" and bad effects.
  4. (T) Step by step: How to impress your teacher.
  5. (R) Show the best example of courage (cowardice, love, friendship, cruelty, etc.) that you have ever witnessed. Show why it is such a good example.
  6. (P or E) Which PE activities have been the best? Why? Worst? Why? Give suggestions for improving the PE program.
  7. (L) What do (almost) all the stories we have read this year have in common? Show a common theme running through them all (or most, or even a few) using examples.
  8. (P-S) How can we deal with the trash problem here at Laguna? Show at least two possible solutions.
  9. (R) Recount the most exciting/scary/important event you have ever witnessed. Make us feel like we're there (5 W's/5 Senses).
  10. (P-S) Write a letter to the city council giving suggestions for what they could do to give kids in SLO more to do. Show them why your ideas are good, and anticipate what objections they might have.
Check 600 Words. 2/17-2/23 are the acceptable dates.
Total: 805 = 45/40

Ray Bradbury Profile (13) p474.

  1. Name one famous person who claims Ray Bradbury influenced his career.
  2. What made Ray Bradbury "completely fall in love with the future"?
  3. He wrote his first story about Mars when he was ________ years old.
  4. Ray Bradbury sold his first short story when he was _______ years old.
  5. His job during that time was...?
  6. Why did it cost him money to type his first novel, Fahrenheit 451?
  7. What was Fahrenheit 451 a protest against?
  8. True or False. That novel has been made into a movie.
  9. About how many works has he published?
  10. Name one of the things he has designed/created other than stories.
  11. True or False. He thinks computers are the future of mankind.
  12. True or False. He was nominated for an Oscar.
  13. What award did he receive from the city of LA in 1995?
Correct ASOT.
The Simpsons
"Dark They Were, And Golden-Eyed" p479