Wednesday, 2/25/04 -- Eighth Grade
Call of the Wild Projects.
Warm Up. Copy into notebook.
  1. * books : librarian :: words : _________ (4, but not librarian.)
  2. * "foot traveler" = __________
  3. * "horse traveler" = __________
  4. * conformist : individualist :: slob : __________
  5. * naive : skeptical :: organized : __________
  6. * axe-slinger : guitarist :: confidence : _________ 
Subject/Verb Agreement Quiz.

Go over vocabulary homework.
Vocabulary Pretest. You will use one word twice.
pell mell, slake, usurp, wanton, ambuscade, belie, cessation, multitudinous, certitude

  1. "For the last time in his life he allowed passion to __________ cunning and reason, and it was because of his great love for John Thornton that he lost his head."
  2. "Then they became friendly, and played about in the nervous, half-coy way with which fierce beasts ____________ their fierceness."
  3. "Nor did he give the wounded bull opportunity to _________ his burning thirst in the slender trickling streams they crossed."
  4. "This was sufficient to fling the whole pack forward, __________, ...blocked and confused by its eagerness to pull down the prey."
  5. "Death, as a _________ of movement, as a passing out and away from the lives of the living, he knew..."
  6. "Buck hurried on, swiftly and stealthily, every nerve straining and tense, alert to the ________ details which together told a story -- all but the end."
  7. Buck was "never at loss for the tangled way, heading straight home through strange country with a ____________ of direction that put man and his magnetic needle to shame."
  8. "He killed to eat, not from * _________(ness); but he preferred to eat what he killed himself."
  9. "There is a patience of the wild -- dogged, tireless, persistent as life itself -- that holds motionless for endless hours: the spider in its web, the snake in its coils, the panther in its __________..."
  10. continuation : cessation :: doubt : ________
(* Don't change the word to add the ending.)
Literary Terms. Copy, and give an example from COW for each.
  1. antagonist
  2. protagonist
  3. character v. character conflict (external)
  4. character v. self conflict (internal)
  5. character v. society conflict (external)
  6. character v. nature conflict (external)