Wednesday, 1/7/04 -- Seventh Grade
Warm Up. Copy into notebook.
  1. *star : telescope :: cell : ________
  2. *casual : nonchalance :: serious : ___________
  3. *fix : correct :: change : _________
  4. *bland : pungent :: direct : _____________
  5. *rich : destitute :: skim : __________
  6. (+1) Laguna Junior High : Laguna Middle School :: League of Nations : _______
Correct Vocabulary Homework.
Vocabulary Pretest. pungent, splendid, peruse, circuitous, gaunt, steep, dilapidated, squalor, destitute, emanate
  1. Never sign anything you haven't __________(ed) very carefully.
  2. The sounds of music ___________(ed) from a tinny phonograph.
  3. "We live like pigs in _________, but we are happy," he said to his mom, who was shocked at the condition of his house.
  4. The ___________ smell of garlic filled the house.
  5. Robert, trying to hide his friendship with Jeff, always took a __________ route to his house.
  6. After more than two weeks in the cave, Injun Joe's corpse was very ______.
  7. That was a ____________ dive, just beautiful.
  8. Many people say that today's kids are __________(ed) in a culture of violence; every day absorbing violent images in movies, TV, and video games.
  9. After the stock market crashed in 1929, many men who were once rich were now ______.
  10. The car he bought for $100 was not as _____ as you might think. It actually ran pretty well.
Apostrophes (+1 for each sentence correct.) There will be one where you also have to add the s.
  1. The man whose face was tan said that he had spent his two weeks vacation in the mountains.
  2. It was James hat that fell in the snow.
  3. Its important that the kitten learns to find its way home.
  4. In three weeks time well have to begin school again.
  5. All three of the neighbors dogs cries were mournful, but ours didn't join in the howling. (1 neighbor, 3 dogs.)
"MFN." (In notebook.) Read the first page of the story (p139) silently.
  1. Ask (write down) at least 5 good questions, the answers to which would help you understand better what you read. (What do you not get?)
  2. Why is the name "Midnight Raiders" pretty ironic? (+1)
  3. Why might the story be called "My First Negro"? (+1)
A) Have you ever done anything you regret? Why did you do it?
B) What if one of your friends was not accepted by your other friends? What would you DO? 
Funny names? Haile Selassie (born Ras Tafari Makonnen), League of Nations. When? Where?
Why tomatoes? Pathe newsreel? Globe Theater? layoff/comb shop, deep silence?
Read aloud.