Thursday, 1/22/04 -- Eighth Grade
End of the first semester! You should be able to check
grades by tomorrow afternoon!
EssayWeb Project continues.
You will have 2 periods next week to finish.
Keep checking the rubrics
and the instructions to make sure you have fulfilled all the requirements.
Work on link pages. They count as part of your essay writing,
they count for 600 words, and they're an important part of the grade for
the web site.
Remember that this is still
writing; there still has to be a thesis, a point, to your piece.
When you use pictures, provide a credit, and a link
back to the source.
When you use information, provide a credit, and a
link back to the source.
Be sure to put a "Back to Essay"
link on every page. (Copy/Paste)
Here is an example of giving credit and a link
back to the source of a picture. Give a link to the page the pic came from, not just
to the pic itself. Make sure your outside links all have http:// in front
of the www part.