Friday, 1/30/04 -- Eighth Grade
Reminder: Perfect IV is due Thursday, 2/5.
Prepare paper for Test #14.
Here is the key for yesterday's warm up.
  1. * magician's hat : rabbit :: GYMNASIUM : basketball
  2. * prestidigitator : magician :: offspring : PROGENY
  3. * guilt : innocence :: sturdy : FRAGILE
  4. * gargling : fresh breath :: CEREAL : digestion
  5. * confirm : cancel :: PENT : spent
  6. * wild : docile :: personal : VICARIOUS(+1)
Here is the Key for Tuesday's COW Quiz for those classes that need it. (6pp)
  1. On Judge Miller's estate, Buck lived the life of... a) a pampered house dog.  b) a fox hunting dog.  c) an isolated pet. d) a king.
  2. How old is Buck? 4
  3. (quote) Why did Manuel steal Buck? "...the wages of a gardener's helper do not lap over the needs of a wife and numerous PROGENY."
  4. What technique does Jack London use to give Buck the characteristics of a person? Personification
  5. What does Jack London mean when he says that having a rope around his neck "was an unwonted performance for" Buck? a) It hurts him.  b) He doesn't want it around his neck.  c) This is not normal for him.  d) He liked it.
  6. The city nearest to Santa Clara would be...a) San Diego.  b) Santa Monica.  c) San Miguel.  d) San Jose.
Mental Floss.
  1. If you and your friends have 5 bananas each, and a monkey comes along and takes 3 bananas from each of you, how many bananas will you have left?
  2. What do you always take off last before you get into bed?
  3. What is the difference between a crisp new $10 bill and a dirty old torn one?
  4. A man has three kids already. By July 8th, his wife will give birth to a new baby girl.  How many children will he have? (2)
Test #14