List 8 Seventh Grade
1. "self"
3. "hundred measure"
9. "heat"
11. "measure"
13. "edge measure"
14. The study of language.
15. "something written"
16. "far away something written."
17. It keeps a steady beat.
18. "heat measure."
23. The study of matter.
24. "circle"
25. Doctor.
26. "nature"
27. Whirlwind.
28. Like a circle.
29. "write."
2. Having to do with heat.
4. Honda makes them.
5. The metronome of heat.
6. It measures air pressure.
7. Letter jumbling.
8. "thousand measure"
10. "earth measure"
12. The equator of circles.
14. Related to 14A.
19. It all there.
20. Keeps soup hot.
21. Body shape.
22. Body inspection.
23. "sound"