Tuesday, 3/2/04 -- Eighth Grade
Warm Up. Copy into notebook.
  1. * building : structure :: teacher : _________
  2. * destruction : reconstruct :: ___________ : divide
  3. * guard : sentry :: conspirator : __________
  4. * "feeling thing" = ____________
  5. * "together feel-ness" = ___________
  6. * "many fold thing" = ___________
  7. * "together fold-ness" = __________
Literary Terms.
  1. antagonist
  2. protagonist
  3. character v. character conflict (external)
  4. character v. self conflict (internal)
  5. character v. society conflict (external)
  6. character v. nature conflict (external)
  1. direct characterization
  2. indirect characterization
  3. dynamic character
  4. static character
  5. climax
"Charles." by Shirley Jackson. (Laurie used to be a boy's name also.)
Do what the margins say to do in your notebook. You should end up with at least a page.
  1. What does "being fresh" (pS22) mean?  a) being rude.  b) being loud.  c) talking too much.  d) interrupting.
  2. (quote) When Laurie's mother wonders to her husband whether kindergarten might have a bad influence on Laurie, what does her husband say?
  3. What expression does Laurie's family use when things go wrong?
  4. (3) Give three examples of foreshadowing that Shirley Jackson uses to clue you in about the ending.
  5. (quote) If it was Charles that had to stay after school, what's Laurie's excuse for also being late?
  6. (2) At the PTA meeting, what makes the narrator think that Charles's mother is not there?
  7. Do you think that Laurie's parents knew all along, and just didn't want to admit it? Or were they truly shocked? Find a quote that backs up what you say.