Friday, 3/5/04 -- Seventh Grade
Prepare paper for Test #17.
Mental Floss.
  1. What is the weight of a fish if it weighs 10 pounds, plus half its weight?
  2. Following are groups of three words. Can you figure out the common link within each group? Example: Hurricane, potato, needle, (answer: eyes)
  3. Three men pay $10 apiece for separate rooms in a hotel. Then the clerk realizes that they are entitled to a $5 discount, and gives $5 to the bellboy to return to the 3 men. The dishonest bellboy gives each one a dollar, and keeps $2 for himself. Now, each man, after receiving the $1 rebate, paid only $9 for his room. That makes $27 for all three. The bellboy kept the other $2, which makes $29. What happened to the other dollar?
Test #17

When you are finished, finish reading "Dark They Were..." and do questions:

  1. Quote a line from the beginning of the story that shows what Harry thought living on Mars would do to him. (479, 480)
  2. (quote) What does his wife tell him when he says he wants to leave? (480)
  3. If Harry was going to stay on Mars anyway, why was he so shaken by the news that there would be no more rockets to Mars? (481)
  4. When Harry was working in his garden, he felt... a) out of place.  b) peaceful.   c) casual.  d) afraid.
  5. What was the first tangible sign Harry got that proved his feelings about Mars were true?
  6. When the men at the store don't seem worried, Harry feels... a) like crying.  b) like shooting a gun.  c) like they're being stupid.  d) all of the above.  e) none of the above.
  7. What's the first sign that Harry is giving in to becoming Martian? a) The flecks of gold in his eyes.  b) When he goes swimming in the canal.  c) When he wakes up saying Iorrt.  d) When they tell him he's getting taller.
  8. (quote) What metaphor does Harry use to explain the change in their eye color?
  9. What argument finally convinces Harry to come with the others up to the villas? a) He'll have more fun.  b) It's the right thing to do.  c) He can finish his rocket in the fall.  d) The villas are more comfortable. (488)
  10. What do the Bitterings take with them when they leave for the summer? a) Almost nothing.  b) Almost everything.  c) Just enough supplies for the summer.  d) One important item each.
  11. (2) Bonus: This story has what is called a circular plot. a) How is the ending like the beginning? b) What is the ending suggesting?