Thursday, 3/11/04 -- Eighth Grade Tomorrow's test will be take-home, and due back on Monday.
Crosswords are due tomorrow, KBARR Monday. Warm Up. Copy into notebook.
huge : colossal :: diligent : * _________
sufficient : abundant :: * _________ : friend
neat : disheveled :: preventable : * _________
wax : wane :: triumph : * __________ (2)
problem : catastrophe :: * ___________ : book
Make the following words plural: a) thesis. b)
octopus. c) child's d) Jones. e) potato.
Correct green sheet.
Go over vocabulary
Vocabulary Pretest. You might use words more than once, you might not use
them all. disheveled, aesthetic, continuum, succumb, acute, suave, wane/wax,
affectation, semblance, non sequitur
Many people think that the sleek Mac computers are more ____________
than PCs.
(2) On a ___________ of 1-10, second period is at about 6
in terms of behavior. They seem to like to interrupt the class with various
___________(s) and random questions.
(2) The con man _________(ly) convinced the spinster that
he was in love with her in order to steal her money, and she almost-willingly
_________(ed) to his charms.
(2) It would not be very smart to show up for a job interview
at a clothing store looking ________, since they would probably be looking
for someone who understands _________(s).
Her fake accent was a(n) __________ she thought would make
her sound more sophisticated.
Sometimes in the Old West, since there was no official law
enforcement, there was not even a __________ of actual justice.
A heart attack is a(n) __________ sign of a chronic disease.
Austin Powers likes to think he is a __________ guy.
When you can just see the outline of the darkened part of
the moon inside a thin, bright crescent, it's called "the old moon in the
new moon's arms." This means that the moon is _______(ing).