Monday 5-3-04:
Eighth Grade

Copy Homework into your notebooks: (3 minutes max)

  1. Works Cited Worksheet due Wednesday, May 5th. (you will get the hand-out tomorrow).
  2. Maus Unit Final Projects due Thursday, May 6th.
  3. First Rough Draft Outline due Friday, May 7th.
Distribute and Explain "Research Paper: Requirements" handout: (5 minutes max)

Warm Up: copy into your notebook: (1/2 point each): (10 minutes max)

  1. (True/False) You can do your Research Paper on a famous person.
  2. (True/False) Some famous people are not appropriate choices for your Research Paper.
  3. (True/False) The reliability of your reference sources only matters for controversial topics.
  4. (True/False) You should choose a research topic that you want to know more about.
  5. (True/False) Deciding which questions to ask is a vital starting point for your Research Paper.
  6. (True/False) Three really good reference sources are enough for your Research Paper.
  7. (True/False) Biased information should not be included in your Research Paper.
  8. (True/False) Creating an effective Rough Draft Outline will make your job much easier.
  9. List two kinds of Periodicals. (2) ___________ and _____________ .
Distribute and Explain "Works Cited" handout: (5 minutes max)

Works Cited Practice Activity: copy in notebook(use "Works Cited" handout): (10 minutes max)

1) (4) Identify each of the parts of the "Works Cited" entry labeled below:

ASchefter, Jim. B"Air Traffic Training Gets Real."
CPopular Science july 1991: D72

2) (5) Find and fix the five mistakes in the above entry.
3) (2) What two pieces of information must you include in the WC entry for a web resource?
4) (2) Why are there two dates in an entry for a web resource?
5) If the web address for a site is very long, what does that probably mean about that site?
6) How should you write up a CD-ROM resource such as Encarta?
7) What piece of information should always be first in the WC entry (if you know it)?
     [Exception: Web  sources.]
8) Why is it important to record the page numbers when you take notes?
9) When you find a source related to your topic, what is the first thing you should do?
10) If that source is a book, where should you start reading?
11) Where might you look to see who is responsible for maintaining/sponsoring a web site?
12) If you can't find that information, what should you do?
     -Clue: What does URL stand for and what is it?

Correct Works Cited Practice Activity: (5 minutes max)