Thursday 5-6-04: Seventh Grade
Reminders: What's due this week:

     -Dragonwings Unit Final Projects due today, Thursday, May 6th.
     -First Rough Draft Outline "Pink Sheets" due tomorrow, Friday, May 7th.

Warm Up (Number 1 to 10: write each phrase, then answer True or False: 1/2 point each) (7 minutes max)

  1. Should always indent second line in citation.
  2. Put book titles in "quotes."
  3. Date of publication is important.
  4. URL's need to be exactly right.
  5. Google is a great research tool.
  6. You cannot use Google: that's cheating.
  7. Plagiarism is not a serious offense.
  8. Bullet notes will help you avoid plagiarism.
  9. A research paper found online is an acceptable reference source.
  10. You can look at other research papers for ideas.
Correct Warm Up (3 minutes max)

Works Cited Worksheet, "Blue Sheet", Correction/Announcement (3 minutes max)

Plagiarism Revisited (5 minutes max)

Dragonwings Projects A-Go-Go (10 minutes max)

    -Turn in your projects to Mr. B.
          -Extra credit for sharing your project with the class. (1 to 10 points possible)

Making a Paragraph from Bullet Notes (10 minutes max)

     -Copy into your notebook: 1 point for each good sentence. (6 points max) not extra credit
     -Write a paragraph using the bullet notes below. (Four to six sentences: sixty words max.)

     Birth and Early Life of Abraham Lincoln

Correct Assignment: Share Paragraphs with the Class
     -how do our paragraph compare to the passage we read in class yesterday?