Friday 5-14-04:
Seventh Grade

Reminders: What's due this week:

  1. Dragonwings books need to be returned and checked-off by today, Friday, May 14th.
  2. Notes Assignment #1, (2 good sources, 3 notes each), turn in today, Friday, May 14th.
  3. Second Rough Draft Outline, (with Thesis Statement), due today, Friday, May 14th.
  4. Works Cited Page, (with 5 sources / 3 types), due today, Friday, May 14th.
Walk to the Library, (keep together: quiet, orderly, respectful)

Research in the Library

  1. Work on your second "Rough Draft Outline" Pink Worksheet: (due today).
  2. Work on your "Works Cited Page" Green Worksheet: (due today).