Friday 5-14-04:
Eighth Grade

Reminders: What's due this week:

  1. Notes Assignment #1, (2 good sources, 3 notes each), turn in today, Friday, May 14th.
  2. Second Rough Draft Outline, (with Thesis Statement), due today, Friday, May 14th.
  3. Works Cited Page, (with 5 sources / 3 types), due today, Friday, May 14th.
Maus A-Go-Go Reminders:
  1. Period 5 gets Maus Chapter 5 Study Questions: (due back on Monday, May 17th).
    **Note: Study Questions for each chapter will be available online, and in class, the day each
        reading is assigned.  Study questions are due on the day that the chapters are due back.**
Walk to the Library, (keep together: quiet, orderly, respectful)

Research in the Library

  1. Work on your second "Rough Draft Outline" Pink Worksheet: (due today).
  2. Work on your "Works Cited Page" Green Worksheet: (due today).