Monday 5-17-04: Eighth Grade

Copy Homework into your notebooks: (3 minutes max)

  1. Notes Assignment #2, (1 page of notes, on one of your questions), due Wednesday, May 19th.
  2. Rough Draft, (with everything), due Friday, May 21st.

  3. -You will get a "Research Paper Check-Off Worksheet" tomorrow.
  4. Maus study questions as due.
Passing Back the Piles of Papers: (8 minutes max)
  1. Paper Monitors Do Their Thang: (6 hard-working volunteers will get 5 points of extra credit)
  2. Mr. B. will answer questions about missing assignments , etc.
  3. If you are missing any points, get your stuff in to Mr. B. by Friday.
Maus A-Go-Go: (Pronunciation Correction: "Cows exchanging Wedding Vows") (10 minutes max)
  1. "Never Mind!": We will do remaining Maus and Maus II readings in class!!

  2. -It was way too complicated trying to coordinate the take-home assignments.
    -we will also work on Study Questions in class, which frees up time at home for your Research Paper.
Today is our Final Day in the Library:
  1. Make sure you have your "Works Cited Page" finished, and in the proper format.

  2. -at least 5 sources / at least 3 different kinds.
  3. Check out any books you need: (2 max on your topic)

  4. **Bob Marley, Marilyn Monroe, Led Zeppelin, Elvis Presley, Jackie Robinson, Jimi Hendrix,
        Walt Disney, Titanic, Electric Guitars, and Roller Coasters, (1 book only on these subjects).**
  5. Make photocopies of any reference material or magazines which you will want to use at home.

  7. Work on your "Notes Assignment #2", (due end of class period on Wednesday, May 19th).



    -start a sheet of paper with one of your "Five Compelling Questions" written at the top.
    -take bullet notes on that question.
    -refer back to your sources like this "( 1, 67 )", where "1" is the Source # on your "Works Cited Page",
     and "67" is the page number where you found the information in Source #1.