Tuesday 5-25-04:
Eighth Grade

Review of What is Due this Week: (2 minutes max)

  1. Rough Drafts can be turned in today, Tuesday, May 25th (for 50 points possible).
  2. Research Paper Final Drafts are due Friday, May 28th. (late papers will automatically lose points).
Return Graded Rough Drafts: (5 minutes max)

     General Notes of Caution (things to keep in mind when typing your final drafts)

  1. Directly cite any information from your research: (not just on "Works Cited" page).
  2. Write your paper from your bullet notes, not while looking at your source material.
  3. Remember that your paper should "sound like you", not like your source material.
Review of Thesis Statement, Introduction, and Conclusion: (10 minutes max)
            (adapted from Language Network by McDougal Littell, 2001)
  1. Thesis Statement:

         -tells the subject of your research paper.
         -gives your view on the subject, and your purpose for writing.
         -is a statement, not a question.

  2. Introduction:

         -tells the reader why you are interested in your topic
         -captures the reader's attention.
         -incorporates your Thesis Statement.

  3. Conclusion:

    -restates your Thesis Statement.
         -sums up your Research Paper in an interesting way.
         -offers your opinion, and leaves the reader with something to think about.
Reading Maus aloud in class. (remainder of period)
  1. Selected readers will read; but you will need to follow along and pay attention.
  2. We will have questions and in-class work to do on this book each day.
  3. Friday's Test #26 will be on Maus.
  4. When we finish each chapter, Mr. B will assign Study Questions to each group.

        -Study Question Groups will work together to answer their own set of questions.
         -Groups will turn in one answer sheet, with all group members' names, to Mr. B.
         -Groups present their answers to the whole class. (audience members write answers down).
         -Mr. B will assign a score to each group's presentation. (all members will get that score).