Wednesday, 11/12/03 -- Seventh Grade

Copy homework into assignment book.
Warm Up. For 1-5, copy each sentence and fill in the blank with one of the five choices. For more extra credit, give the POS for each word.
omniscient, appalling, purloin, eloquent, zenith
  1. While Aunt Polly's back was turned, Tom _______(ed) a doughnut.
  2. By definition, God is ____________.
  3. The speech was short but ___________, and people were moved to tears.
  4. The sloppiness of the test papers was __________ to the teacher.
  5. The missile reached the ________ of its flight, then started back down. 
  6. Explain the scene depicted in the pictures.
  7. Reread the first sentence of the last paragraph of chapter 5. "Translate."
Tom Sawyer

Chapter 6 aloud.