Friday, 11/14/03 -- Eighth Grade
Warm Up. Write out the answer. Do not copy the questions.
  1. Who is this a picture of? (+1/2 for correct spelling)
  2. Why was it difficult for those caught by one of John's explosions to deny they did it?
  3. On a plumber's truck: "A flush beats a full house." This kind of a joke (like the ones below) is called...  a) a parody.  b) a pun.  c) ironic.  d) slap-stick.
  4. Match the punchline with the joke:
  • a) Why is it hard to keep a secret in the winter? 
  • b) What colour is the wind? 
  • c) What do you call a camel with no humps?
  • d) Why can't a bicycle stand on its own?
  • e) Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a...
  • Blue.
  • Banana.
  • Humphrey.
  • Your teeth chatter.
  • Too tired.