Thursday, 10/23/03 -- Eighth Grade
Warm Up. Copy into notebook.
  1. *delirious : lucid :: dark : ________
  2. *certain : doubtful :: foreign : _________
  3. *story : parable :: image : ___________
  4. *dammed : blocked :: damned : ________
  5. *concede : forfeit :: poor : ____________
  6. brain : _________ :: mind : psychology (No peeking!)
2 Parables of Jesus

The Pearl. (13)
Is it better to be easily satisfied, or never satisfied? Why? (p25)

  1. What is the effect on the town when Kino finds the pearl?  a) Everyone is happy for Kino.  b) No one can believe it.  c) Everyone starts being nice to each other.  d) The atmosphere of the town becomes poisonous.
  2. (3) Kino's finding of the pearl makes the priest think of_________, the doctor think of _________, the  beggars think of _________.
  3. Why was Kino suddenly "every man's enemy"?
  4. (3) Name three things Kino visualizes as he dreams about what the pearl will do for him.
  5. What does Kino say will make him free? (Not the pearl.)
  6. (3+) Songs/Music: __________, ________, _________, ___________... 
  7. Which one does Kino hear faintly while the priest is at his hut?
  8. Bonus: What recurring image have we seen at least 3 times?
  9. Bonus: What are the songs really?
  10. Bonus: On p29 Steinbeck keeps emphasizing how once a plan is made, it cannot be destroyed. Explain.
Your turn: Songs of the day.

Write the title of a few (4 or 5) of your "Songs of the Day."
You may use either real song titles (you may have to explain them to us) or invent titles for the various parts of your day.
Describe the feel/tempo/etc. of each song.

Example: "Song of Sweat and Toil" (PE)  "You're Never Satisfied" (English ;)

The Pearl aloud.