Wednesday, 10/29/03 -- Eighth Grade
Warm Up. Write out the sentences with proper punctuation. (Counts for 600 words, so put on a separate sheet in your orange folder. Remember to date it!!!) If not done with yesterday's Pearl reading check, do that instead.
  1. a) as steady and cruel  b) the buyer's eyes had become  c) while the rest  d) smiled in greeting  e) of his face  f) as a hawk's eyes   (25 words)
  2. a) some museum might  b) it has interest  c) take it to place  d) as a curiosity  e) of seashells  f) in a collection (Hint: Use a semicolon. 20 words)
  3. a) represented his hope b) for Charlie c) for the future d) just as the pearl represents e) the brain operation f) for Kino g) a better life   (20 words)
Go over vocabulary homework.
Vocabulary Pretest. You will use words more than once.
benign, countenance, legerdemain, coagulate, lethargic, malignant, stalwart, tithe, succumb
  1. An old man was carried on the shoulders of his __________ son to see Kino sell the pearl.
  2. He paid a portion of his paycheck as a _________ to the church.
  3. The pearl buyer sat in his chair practicing ___________ with a coin in his fingers.
  4. After the lid was left off, the honey __________(ed) and finally hardened.
  5. (2) Santa Claus is supposed to have a very _________ __________, with a twinkle in his eye and rosy cheeks.
  6. After the initial rush, sugar causes you to be ___________ a short time later.
  7. (2) She finally __________(ed) to the ____________ tumor.
  8. The pearl buyers couldn't _____________ paying the pearl divers a fair price.
  9. weak : ________ :: malignant : benign
  10. win : triumph :: concede : _________
The Pearl (10) (Just as an experiment: Closed book.)
  1. What did the townspeople think of Kino's decision not to sell the pearl?  a) They thought he was being foolish.  b) They thought that the pearl dealers would never deal with him again.  c) They thought that he was being courageous.  d) All of the above.
  2. Juan Tomas says that Kino didn't just defy the pearl buyers, he...?
  3. What does Kino do when he catches Juana trying to throw the pearl back?
  4. When does Juana know instantly "that the old life was gone forever"?
  5. (5) Arrange in chronological order: a) Kino discovers a hole in his canoe.  b) Kino refuses the pearl dealers.  c) Juana tries to throw the pearl away.  d) Kino is attacked. e) Kino is attacked and kills a man.
  6. (Quote.) What is Kino's answer to every worry Juana has?
The Pearl aloud.