Pretest #15 -- Eighth Grade
  1. They formed a conspearasy to steal the jewels.
  2. Use a daversion to draw away the angry dog.
  3. What do you remember about what transpiered on the night of the murder?
  4. They plan to cunvurt the house into a bed and breakfast place.
  5. The coupon exspires at the end of the month.
  6. Which Super Bowl advertizement did you like best?
  7. Curing this disease is a unaversal goal.
  8. Put the car in reverse and back up.
  9. His face was dripping with pursparation.
  10. A true extrovert loves having people around him all the time.
  11. Our store carries a diverse range of goods.
  12. Lungs play a big role in resperation.
  13. The face of the cliff was nearly vurtical.
  14. Both sides agreed to end the contraversy.
  15. The main conflicts so far in COW are _________  versus  _________.
  16. Is today their annaversary?
  17. He aspires to be the next president.
  18. You can use this versatel tool in many ways.
  19. An introvert enjoys being alone.
  20. The skater got inverted as he flew past the lip of the half pipe.
  21. He was a worthy adversery in the ring.
  22. In case of his death, ownership of the property reverts back to his parents.
  23. Was it you and Jimmy or visa versa?
  24. What is the invurse of 1/3?
  25. He injured a single vertabra in his back in the crash.
Latin Roots:   ver = ___________   spir/pir = ___________

Vocabulary. imperative, ignominious, appease, disconsolate, indiscretion, cadence, wheedle, inexorable, insidious, paradox

  1. After their ____________ 56-0 defeat,  the team had no pride left.
  2. The candidate called the incident where he was arrested for vandalism when he was 16, a  "youthful ____________."
  3. After I made my friend angry, I tried to __________ her by being extra nice, and buying her chocolate.
  4. The effects of television are very ______________. You don't notice them until it's too late.
  5. As he approached the ground with a malfunctioning parachute, his death seemed __________.
  6. It is ____________ that you finish your work by tomorrow. Otherwise we don't get paid.
  7. After the death of her pup, she was ____________. Nothing we did seemed to cheer her up.
  8. My boy always tries to ____________ more candy out of his grandma.
  9. Time travel involves too many ____________(es) to be a reality.
  10. The ___________ of jazz music is generally faster than rock or pop.